Sunday, September 30, 2012

Incremental Progress

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

-Thomas A. Edison

Our 5th grade students are awesome! However, like many elementary schools, some grade levels need more support. No big deal.

Lately, once recess has ended, lining up efficiently and walking into the cafeteria quietly has been a challenge for them. 

Thinking on a whim, I decided to talk to the grade level about my expectations and challenged them to finish recess quickly, line up in lunch order, walk quietly in the cafeteria, receive their lunch and eat in a timely manner. 

Their teachers and I challenged them to be the “best of the best!” After speaking with them, I will admit, I was exhausted. I was preaching! I did not know if my Wednesday tour among the three classes was effective.

Well, on Thursday, once recess ended, our classes would have made you proud! They did everything their teachers and I expected them to do. I was so proud of them! That afternoon, I went to each class, huddled them together, like my former basketball teams, and we screamed to the top of our lungs.....”WE ARE DRAGONS!”

I am sure our three 5th grade teachers would agree-it was an incredible feeling to see our students so happy for doing the right thing! That is incremental progress at its finest!

-Rodney S. Lewis, Ed.D.

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