Monday, August 13, 2012

Bring Your Vision To Life

“A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done."

-Ralph Lauren

We see things in our mind everyday and most of us are envisioning ourselves accomplishing great things. Yet, what is the blueprint for making your vision a reality? Well, it is actually very theory. I believe the challenge for some is their fear of failure and success. It is scary to think about going through the ups and downs, the setbacks,the possibility of all of your hard work not coming to fruition, and/or admiration for your creation.

I went through all of the above. To be honest, it is hard to imagine I am writing this as the principal of an elementary school with a doctorate at 31 years old. Seven years ago, as a physical education teacher, that appeared unreachable. I was told to stay in the classroom longer, get extra certification, and teach something different. Also, I was turned down twice while in pursuit of my doctorate. Conversely, I am extremely stubborn with my goals! I will listen to advice; on the other hand, I will also filter all that I receive. Why? I am on the inside looking in. My family, friends, and colleagues are on the outside. They can't genuinely fathom my innate drive for success. There is no such thing as I can't. There may be setbacks, letdowns, and points of regression; however, I will not stop until I reach my top!

There are many ways to skin a cat! Or for the sake of this blog, there are many ways to outline and define one's success.  Telling the world, embracing the process, staying laser focused and confident is my recipe for achievement. I live by those principles and hope they help you as well.

Tell the world what you see
If you want to know what I envision day in and day out, just ask! The reason I am an educator is because I am passionate about guiding, mentoring, and uplifting students! I can remember as an assistant principal, chatting with colleagues often about my initiatives and how it would benefit my students. I would talk to anyone who would listen. Whatever it is you want to do, let the world know. Because of social media, that is literally possible! Tweet it, post it, write it, say it, and start living it!  My experience tells me if you are willing to do the "dirty" work, passionate, and maintain a positive attitude-most people will be eager to assist. I felt if someone gave me the opportunity to display my vision, my work would not disappoint.

Embrace the process
I did not become a principal a year after graduating with my masters! It took five enjoyable years of learning, growing, and redefining who I am. You cannot rush the process. Time is a double-edged sword. It allows you to learn, grow, and redefine, but regardless of what happens-the clock keeps ticking. The beauty, in my opinion, of reaching your goals is the process. No process is perfect, and there are trials and tribulations with all journeys. Yet, those failed interviews and false job leads will support your vision as you get closer to crossing the finish line. Stay presence and enjoy!

Stay laser focused
Think about it; you have many talents-many things can occupy your time. But, your greatest gift is your greatest curse. Having too many goals, traveling in too many directions, is counterproductive to your success. My motto is simple, hyper-focus on one or two main goals and let the rest fall into place. This is important! Your vision, like living beings, needs time to grow and mature. Consistently stopping your ideas in the infant stage will keep you stuck in one place without you witnessing the progress you seek. If you "stay the course" and continue to press on a few targets, your progression will accelerate. No doubt about it!

Turn on the confidence and break the off switch

Wow! You have to believe you are going to win! There is no other way! Present your confidence in your walk, your talk, your handshake, your eye contact....your everything! As the old saying goes, if you don't think you can win-you won't! After a university's doctoral program rejected me twice in a month, I was stunned and broken. However, not all of me was broken...maybe 60%. The other 40% knew if I told the world about my hopes, embraced the process, stayed focused, and sustained my self-esteem-eventually my day would come. Today, hundreds of people address me as Dr. Lewis!

It starts with ends with you
You cannot be stopped! Only you can stop you! Once you see yourself getting your job, promotion, and/or  degree, you can make it happen! Tell everyone what you want to do. The more you talk about your vision, the leaner it becomes. It gets clear, precise, and focused. Therefore, when the journey begins, love every....single....second! I believe there is incredible learning as you navigate your success! Savor each moment.

Finally, nobody truly knows what your vision is unless you tell them. With that said, be mindful of people or things trying to get you away from your true goals. For example, if there is a potential job paying more, but has nothing to do with your long-term vision-think twice! This is crucial because staying discipline is hard; however, once it is installed in your psyche, doing the unthinkable becomes a distant memory. For many, because of their lack of belief, their airplane never takes flight. Always reserve room for optimism. It is easy to break yourself down because of failure. On the other hand, all successful people would say their hardships motivated them to excel. If you are not failing at your goals-you are not working on your goals!

The power of your vision starts with you! Do the work!

-Rodney Lewis, Ed.D

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Lewis,
    This is an awesome post and you give pratical ways to hold on to a vision. Your discipline is rare which is why you are so successful. It has been a joy to watch your life unfold. Continue inspiring the lives of young people. The impact will extend further than you know!
    Keep Giving,
